
Educator by Niko Yulis


With over 20 years of professional experience, his secret to creativity lays in the understanding that as an artist and educator, doing what one loves on a daily basis is key in his practice.

Educator by Niko Yulis

Teaching Philosophy

As a teacher, I recognize that all students come to the classroom with their own unique histories, experiences, and thought processes.

My aim is to provide an encouraging environment where students will not only have a genuine structured academic experience but also engage in self-discovery to find and strengthen their own voice. It is important for me to promote enthusiasm and care for the subjects being taught while also respectfully interacting with my class. In addition, I also believe students benefit from various modern technologies which support robust and experiential learning. It is my view that teaching is not only a profession but a practice that is reciprocal and expansive-constantly shifting and adapting to the needs and momentum of each class and the individuals that encompass it.

Student Sample